About us

Bosworth Boats are professional boat builders with many years of experience, both in building and ownership. We have constructed and project managed the building of many craft for discerning owners worldwide. Our experience in building and specifying new-build projects gives clients a wealth of expertise to draw upon in the creation of designs and recommendations for materials. Everyone has different criteria when buying a new craft. Some owners may want to live aboard; others may want a weekend or holiday retreat. We can tailor the finished product to meet your specific requirements.


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Wesce sit amet porttitor leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque interdum, nulla sit amet varius dignissim, justo nibh lobortis urna, commodo vehicula sem tellus non quam. Vestibulum pretium risus eget tellus blandit mollis. View More »